2023-24 Dans une sorte de rêve éveillé - L'invitation, computer generated video presented at Grand Théâtre de Québec, Qc.
2022 Around Space, video projection of a pre-recorded audio-visual performance, Les Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin.
2022 Around Space - video projection of a pre-recorded audio-visual performance, Sound Music and Computing 2022, St-Étienne, France, juin 2022.
2022 INTERTYPES, installation presented at CIRCA art actuel, Montréal, Qc, Canada.
2021 Around Space - pre-recorded on-line audio-visual performance for Modular World channel (USA channel), invited by curator Olivier Marteaux.
2021 Video extract from INTERTYPES, multi-media installation presented at World Trade Centre Montréal, during Art Souterrain Festival, Montréal, Qc, Canada.
2020 Tout feu, tout flamme / Magie noire, audio-visual performance, invitation to perform live on-line for an event by IKLECTIC, London, UK.
2020 Video extract from INTERTYPES, multi-media installation presented at Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, France et Allemagne.
2019 INTERTYPES, multi-media installation at Foreman Art Gallery, Lennoxville, Qc.
2019 Sound performance, SAT (Society of Arts and Technology), Montreal, Qc.
2019 Sound Performance, Ftarri, Tokyo and Environment 0g, Osaka, Japan.
2018 The Phantom Production, video dyptic presented at Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin / new cinema and contemporary art, at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin and at Cité internationale des arts, Paris.
2017 The Phantom Production, video dyptic presented at Friche la Belle de Mai, Instants Vidéo Festival, Marseille, France.
2017 Something is Happening/Quelque chose se produit, video and large-scale prints installation presented at Action Art Actuel, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qc, Canada.
2017 NOÏZEFER CWU, experimental electronic music concert at Iklectik art lab, London, UK.
2017 P(N,R) = N!/(N-R)!, compact sound installation presented at New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA), and invitation to give a conference during The Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium (TIES), Toronto,On, Canada.
2017 The Phantom Production, video projection in public space, Art on the Screens, Mississauga, On, Canada.
2016 P(N,R) = N!/(N-R)!, compact sound installation presented at Sines and Squares event in Manchester, UK.
2016 The Phantom Production, video installation in public space, Espace IM Media, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
2016 The Phantom Production, video diptych, In Future / Festival of Art & Music at Ontario Place, Toronto, On, Canada.
2016 Light Chaser, sound performance in the Satosphère, Société des Arts Technologiques (SAT), Symposium IX, Montréal, Qc, Canada.
2015 P(N,R) = N!/(N-R)!, compact sound installation for the “Poste Audio” of Centre Clark, Montreal, Qc, Canada.
2015 Experimental music Improvisation at Sporobole, centre en art actuel, with Joris Guibert, Marc Plas, Frédéric Dutertre and Philippe-Aubert Gauthier.
2015 Exhibition of the project Collages Series : Women of Newfoundland and Labrador during the First and Second Wars, at The Rooms Provincial Archives Division, Vicky Chainey Gagnon curator at The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery Division, St-John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
2015 Sound Art Improvisation at Sporobole, centre en art actuel, with Valentin Duriff, Frédéric Dutertre et Philippe-Aubert Gauthier.
2014 Research residency at The Rooms Provincial Archives Division, curator Vicky Chainey Gagnon, The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery Division, St-John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
2014 Underground, sound installation in collaboration with P.-A. Gauthier, presented at Festival International de Musique Actuelle de Victoriaville, Qc, Canada.
2014 Delta 52, sound art in collaboration with P.-A. Gauthier, diffused during the 5th Marrakech Biennale. Invitation from Saout Radio to produce a sound art piece for their project Ici, Maintenant, Où?, Maroc.
2013 Something is Happening/Quelque chose se produit, video and large-scale prints installation presented at ArtSpace, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
2013 Something is Happening/Quelque chose se produit, video and large-scale prints installation presented at the A/B Galeria (Centro Nacional de las Artes) after an artist residency at Centro Multi Media in Mexico City, Mx.
2013 - Drapés, installation presented at Centre d'exposition L'Imagier, Gatineau, Qc, Canada.
2012 - Pieta / A Mystery Unfolding, video art presented during a group show organized by Folie-Culture, Québec, Qc, Canada.
2012 - Artist residency at Daïmon media art centre for the project Drapés, Gatineau, Qc, Canada.
2012 - Paintings and Collages presented during the exhibition The Indivisible curated by Vicky Chainey Gagnon, Foreman Art Gallery, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
2012 - Artist residency at Centre Sagamie for the project Something is Happening/Quelque chose se produit, Alma, Qc, Canada.
2011 - Télétoxie Remix, presented at L'Écart, lieu d'art actuel, Rouyn-Noranda, Qc, Canada.
2011 - Noïzefer CWU Pantonalité (Appendix), sound performance at Centre des Arts de la Scène Jean-Besré, during Espace [Im] média, media art biennal, Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada).
2011 - Télétoxie, presented at Action Art Actuel artist-run center, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qc, Canada. Curator : Éric Mattson.
2010 - Artist residency at Sagamie artist-run center, Alma, Qc, Canada.
2010 - Vanishing Points/Reality and Cinema, performance, invitation to the 5e Biennale d'art performatif de Rouyn-Noranda, Qc, Canada.
2010 - Strings practice, performance at l'Oeil de Poisson, artists-run center, Québec, Qc, Canada.
2009 - Télétoxie, new media art installation finished during an artist’s residency at the Studio d’Essai/Productions Recto-Verso, Québec (Qc, Canada).
2009 - Perfides hiérophantes, performance at Sporobole centre d’art actuel, during Espace Immédia, media art biennal, Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada).
2009 - Perfides hiérophantes, performance during the event Viva! Art Action, Montreal (Qc, Canada).
2009 - Sound and light research for the project Télétoxie during artist's residency at Diapason art sound gallery in Brooklyn (New York, USA).
2008 - Group show: At the crossroads of art and medecine, curator: Marie-France Beaudoin, Foreman Art Gallery of Bishops University, Sherbrooke (Qc, Canada).
2008 - Mythe (e)sc(h)atologique et genèse de la fontaine magique du jardin secret de NOÏZEFER CWU, installaction in Montréal (Quartier éphémère) for the international resedency and habitation project called Knock on Woods (Yvette Poorter).
2007 - Mythe (e)sc(h)atologique et genèse de la fontaine magique du jardin secret de NOÏZEFER CWU, performance presented at the gallery 0…3/4 (Atelier Silex), Trois-Rivières, and presented at the event Art nomade, Chicoutimi, (Qc, Canada).
2007 - The Flying Baby, 4e chronicle of the AMH, presented in a group show at the Fine Arts Museum of Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada).
2006 - La comédie musicale de NOÏZEFER CWU en 12 tableaux, sound performance during the Home Music Festival, galerie L’Oeil de Poisson, Québec, (Qc, Canada).s (suite)
2006 - Noïzefer CWU III / Affectivite bruyante, performance (4 days), DSM-V+ event, Folie Culture, Québec, (Qc, Canada).
2006 - Noïzefer CWU IV / Au sujet de la naissance des affects bruyants, performance presented at Horace Gallery in Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada).
2005 - Butins, musées et autres curiosités, collective exhibition at Horace gallery in Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada).
2005 - Noïzefer CWU2 - Little Games of Tension, performance at Le Lieu, Québec, (Qc, Canada).
2004 - Urban realities, project of intervention in Sherbrooke and collective exhibition at Galerie Horace (Qc, Canada).
2004 - Group show: Zones de convergence, Centre culturel Yvonne L. Bombardier, Valcourt (Qc, Canada).
2003 - Solo exhibition: Parcelles de l’AMH - Introduction à l’Absurdus Medecina Hospitalis, Galerie Horace (Qc, Canada).
2003 - Group show : Hangar4 présente la peur, at Galerie d’Art du Parc, Trois-Rivières (Qc, Canada).
2002 - Les bêtes de foire... Invited artist, symposium of contemporary art: Émergence 2003, Îlot Fleurie (Qc, Canada).
2000 - Hell section of Les Industries Perdues project, Atlas de l’Au-Delà at Centre d’exposition du Vieux-Palais de St-Jérôme, (Qc, Canada).
2000 - Invitation to the 9e biennale nationale de céramique at the Maison de la Culture de Trois-Rivières (Qc, Canada). Catalogue: Éditions d’Art Le Sabord.
2022 Grant from Grand Théâtre de Québec and CALQ for a 3D animation project in collaboration with Philippe-Aubert Gauthier.
2022 Explore and create grant from the Canada Council for the Arts for a 3D animation project in collaboration with Philippe-Aubert Gauthier, Philippe Hamelin and Julie Tremble.
2021 Exploration grant from the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec for a 3D animation project in collaboration with Philippe-Aubert Gauthier, Philippe Hamelin et Julie Tremble.
2021 Acquisition and marketing grant from the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec.
2017 CALQ/Estrie grant for the project INTERTYPES.
2016 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec grant for Professionnal Development, Master classes, Workshop and conferences on modular synthtizers at Sines and Squares event in Manchester, UK.
2013 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec grant of research and creation in media arts received for Something is Happening / Quelque chose se produit in collaboration with Philippe-Aubert Gauthier.
2013 Travel grant from the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec for an artist residency at Centro Multi Media in Mexico (Something is Happening / Quelque chose se produit).
2012 SODEC grant / financial support for visual artists, 2011-12.
2011 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec grant of research and creation (visual art) for the project intitled Drapés, in collaboration with Philippe-Aubert Gauthier.
2010 Sherbrooke City grant for an artist residency at Centre Sagamie (Drapés), Alma, Qc, Canada.
2009 Sherbrooke City grant for an artist residency at the Studio d’Essai in Québec City, for the project intitled Télétoxie.
2009 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec grant of research and creation in media arts received for Télétoxie, collaboration with Philippe-Aubert Gauthier.
2007 Sherbrooke City grant for Les affiches médicales de l’Absurdus Medecina Hospitalis.
2005 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec grant of research and creation received for Au-delà des apparences, 5e chronique de l’AMH.
2003-04 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec grant of research and creation received for Le Bébé Volant, 4e chronique de l’AMH.
BFA, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, (UQTR) (Qc, Canada), 1998.
Computer graphics, digital image treatment courses, Sherbrooke’s University, Qc, 2003.
Enterprises, Collections and The Art Market formation given by Jo-Ann Kane, Curator of the National Bank Financial Group's Art Collection, and Geneviève Goyer-Ouimette, independant curator, 2012.
Master classes, workshop and conferences on modular synthesizers at Sines and Squares event in Manchester, UK, 2016.
2017 Three digital photographies purchased by Sherbrooke City for their art collection.
2015 Three digital prints from Collage Series : Women of Newfoundland and Labrador during the First and second World Wars (2 purchased and one donation) / The Rooms Art Collection, St-John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
2014-2019 Artistic Coordinator, exhibition technician, photograph (exhibitions documentation) and responsible of the documentation center at SPOROBOLE centre en art actuel, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
2010-2014 Project manager at SPOROBOLE centre en art actuel, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
2014 Membre of a jury for CALQ Estrie art grants program, Qc, Canada.
2013 Artist talk in collaboration with P.-A. Gauthier (open to public), Artspace, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
2013 Artist talk in collaboration with P.-A. Gauthier during our residency at Centro Multi Media (open to public).
2013 Exhibition Technicien for Biennale Espace [IM] Media – arts et cultures numériques, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
2011- ... Membre of the curator's group ASME (Arts Sonores et Musiques Expérimentales), Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
2010 Conference on performance at Sporobole centre en art actuel, within the framework of a formation supported by the Conseil de la Culture de l'Estrie, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
2010 Member of a jury for CALQ Estrie art grants program, Qc, Canada.
2008 Member of CamEstrie – Media Art, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
2009-10 Board of directors (vice – president) SPOROBOLE centre d’art actuel, Sherbrooke, Qc.
2007 Employed by the artist Jennifer Angus for exhibition assistance - mounting installation - at the Museum of Joliette, Quebec, Canada.
2006-2012 Occasionnaly employed by Foreman Art Gallery for exhibition technical assistance, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
2003 Invited speaker (visual art certificate), University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
2020 Inter art actuel, art magazine, number 135 - Métamorphoses et fluidités, article about INTERTYPES, T. St-Pierre et P.-A. Gauthier's exhibition at Foreman Art Gallery, (Qc, Canada).
2018 Le Sabord, no. 111, Marie-Lou Cormier, page 46 à 51.
2017 ETC MEDIA, no.111, Espace [Im]Media 2016, Sophie Drouin, page 89.
2014 Essay written by Joseph Henry, critic and curator, and short text written by Tania Aedo, director / curator of Arte Alameda on our project Something is Happening / Quelque chose se produit.
2011 Art Le Sabord, no. 89, page 49, Art Magazine,.
2009 Catalog: At the crossroads of art and medecine, edited by the Foreman Art Gallery of Bishop’s University and the Culturel center’ art gallery of Sherbrooke’s University.
2009 Vie des Arts magazine, no. 213 - winter 2008-2009, dossier analyse, At the crossroads of art and medecine, p. 68 to 71.
2008 Inter art actuel, no. 100, fall 2008, page 102, (Qc, Canada).
2007 Inter art actuel no. 95, winter 2007, page 69, (Qc, Canada).
2007 Publication: Folie/Culture, DSM-V+ dévidoir de syndromes magnifiques, (Qc, Canada).
2004 Short text published in Folie/Culture no 9-1-1 – Trousse de premiers soins en santé mentale.
2003 Art Le Sabord no 64, cover page and p. 8 to 12, january 2003.
2000 Catalog: 9e biennale nationale de céramique, Éditions Art le Sabord, Trois-Rivières.
2000 Spirale, no. 175, "L’Atlas de l’au-delà", Anick Bergeron, page couverture et pages 34-35, novembre – décembre, 2000.
2000 Art Presse, no 273, p. 73-74, "St-Jérôme (Québec) : L’Atlas de l’Au-Delà", Laurier Lacroix.
2000 Book: Édition du Millénaire, vingt ans de création, Association Presse-Papier, p. 140.