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Sound Performance


40 minutes

Philippe-Aubert Gauthier

Curator Erick D'Orion (Tartare Art Audio) invited four sound artists for a performance night to celebrate the 50th anniverssary of Ornette Coleman's Free Jazz album. Studio d'Essai, Complexe Méduse, Québec City - October 28th, 2010.

Philippe-Aubert Gauthier presented a new tape performance combined prepared tapes with drums, noise, and various free-jazz inspired generative patches and codes. As for some of the Ornette Coleman work, spark of various sound sources were combined, including fretless bass solo, a glimpse in the teenage years of P.-A. Gauthier, greatly influenced by free jazz when he played bass guitar.

© Tanya St-Pierre & Philippe-Aubert Gauthier

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