Visual, textual and sound Installation
T. St-Pierre and P.-A. Gauthier
The Flying Baby is the 4th chronicle of “Absurdus Medecina Hospitalis” (AMH); a fictitious place where are born the chronicles which usually show themselves as installations or performances, mostly supported by writings, with a marked narrative character which preserves a strong adhesion with a logic of fiction.
The 4th chronicle is a artist book including a fiction novel and digital photographies. In the installation the book pages are included as a wallpaper covering a surface of the space.
The installation is a display of one of the last moments of the book, where a floating-in-the-air baby is born. The installation puts forward a perturbing image of a free, but cadaver-like, baby flying above a bed.
The sound track and technical devices were realized by
P.-A. Gauthier. The main installation is stuffed with acoustical resonance chambers which allow the radiation of sound by the surfaces of the installation and the loudspeakers without the system being visible. The track is an assembly of atmospheres related to the narrative universe of this AMH chronicle; essentially produced as one would write in prose, a process close to a narrative, pervading writing.
The Flying Baby project was supported by the Council for the Arts and the Letters of Québec.
Photo credits: T. St-Pierre & P.-A. Gauthier

Images included in the artist book

Documentation at Musée des Beaux-Arts de Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, 2007.